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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - ads


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Перевод с английского языка ads на русский

1) торг., амер. сокр. от "Agent/Distributor Service 2) фин., банк., амер. сокр. от American Depositary Share 3) учет = "alternative depreciation system ADS сокр. от Agent Distributor Service служба по подбору агентов (осуществляет поиск иностранных агентов и дистрибуторов по заказу фирм, экспортирующих свои товары) ADS орг., торг., амер. сокр. от Agent/Distributor Service ADS 1) торг., амер. сокр. от "Agent/Distributor Service 2) фин., банк., амер. сокр. от American Depositary Share 3) учет = "alternative depreciation system
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См. в других словарях

  physiol. abbr. Antibody Deficiency Syndrome physiol. abbr. All Day Sickness transport. abbr. Automatic Dependent Surveillance mil. abbr. Advanced Distribution System mil. abbr. Army Defence Studies mil. abbr. Attack Defend Support mil. abbr. Automated Data System mil. abbr. Air Defense Systems mil. abbr. Adaptive Diagnostics System mil. abbr. Advanced Distributed Simulation mil. abbr. Application Development Software mil. abbr. Associated Document Sheet meteo abbr. All Directional Shower univ. abbr. Academic Distribution Services softw. abbr. Application Development System softw. abbr. Autocad Development System gen. comp. abbr. Alternate Data Streams gen. comp. abbr. Active Directory Services file ext. abbr. Ada Package Specification sport abbr. Automatic Dice Server sport abbr. Aitken Double Stars gen. bus. abbr. Account Development Strategies gen. bus. abbr. Advertisement And Discovery Of Services int. bus. abbr. Agent Distributor Service int. bus. abbr. American Depository Share st. exc. abbr. American Depositary Share account. abbr. Alternative Depreciation System ...
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